
Doubt, Dreams, & Traveling . . .

This quote is one of my favorite quotes! Probably because I absolutely love dreaming up big dreams! I'm constantly thinking of ways I could make life better. Although I will say that every so often I let someones negative comment get to me, and I begin to doubt myself... That is when my dream starts to fade, and I begin to feel unmotivated and unhappy. Doubt kills dreams! It really does! But hey, let me be honest, sometimes I'm that negative person who comes around and instills a sense of doubt in another persons mind. What can I say, except for I am so sorry! I am a human, and I make pretty epic mistakes! The best thing I can do, is try not to let the doubt get to  me, and forgive the person for their negative comments, even if they didn't ask for forgiveness! It is so important to keep a positive attitude and to keep moving forward!  I am so not "Miss keep a positive attitude all the time." BUT! I really do think its important to be positive! It makes the quality of life that much more enjoyable! Here is a list of my dreams currently! 

1. Blog and travel the world 
2. Marry my best friend and boyfriend.
3. Meet new people and explore different cultures!
4.Move out of my hometown, and live right on a lake!

Okay, so now that I've gabbed your ear off about all that, you might be wondering, "how does this apply to a travel blog?" Well, I will let you know right now! haha. This applies to travel, because I want you guys to go out and chase after your dreams about traveling to another country or even another state or city! Don't let someone tell you that you cant! Because you can! With some extreme budgeting, and hard work, you could absolutely do it! Go out there and explore!!

P.s. I have a fun little announcement! I am going on a trip to laguna beach next week, and I have some exciting little trips planned while I am out there! Keep your eyes open for posts about them! They will be coming your way soon! Woohoo!