
Keepin it real...

Life this week has been hard. A lot of things have been going on in my life, and my creative juices have not been necessarily flowing... It has been more like the juices of stress and worry that have been flowin through my veins... and that my friend is not very comfortable... now I'm not trying to convert you or shove any agenda down your throat when I say this, but man how I need Jesus! I am so filled with worries, and whenever I surrender those worries to Jesus, I am filled with a joy that surpasses my circumstances! Life has been basically just been NORMAL... I know this is meant to be a travel blog, but I'm just keeping it real and saying "Hey I'm just human, and I have kinda had a crumby week.." I am not perfect, and I am sorry I cant be! Haha I wish I was... that would be cool. But I'm not.... So your just gonna have to live with this "Normal Person" post! Maybe my creative juices will be flowing by tomorrow! Hahaha!! But for now I am gonna turn on an episode of Prison Break (a show I do not recommend for kids, but is totally interesting because it really gives you an insiders look at what its like to be in prison... In that case, maybe kids should watch it, so they get the crud scared out of them so they will behave like angels.... Hahaha no really... [KBS- Kidding But Serious]) and sleep an extra hour or two tonight... Because that my friend is what I need. This has been #keepinitrealwithivy I hope that my stress at least gave you a few laughs! If not, then maybe you should consider not reading my blog? Haha Night guys! It's been real.

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